

Gotharman working on the microGothar firmware so many, many years ago...


Analog drum synthesizer with 16 parts / 8 voices (4 analog/4 digital).

-Available in two models:

Black: Based on dual SSI2140's.

Blue In Black: Based on dual SSI2144's.

-1024 preset / song locations.

-256 favorite sounds.
-Has touch display for X/Y mod and Sequencer programming.
-Each part can be configured as an analog drum sound or a digital sound/sampler with or without 2 analog filters.
-2 filters and 2 insert effects per part.
-2 output effects.
-Sample wav import (18 minutes/2047 samples).
-Sequencer with 16 note tracks and 64 knob tracks.
-64 random generators, 16 LFO's.
-Stereo out.

-Optional analog outputs option


Modular synthesizer with memory (1024 preset / song locations)

-8 parts / 8 voices
-67 built in modules

-Room for two analog filter boards
-Analog VCF51 and VCF52 are included!
-Effect processors
-Several ways to connect modules
-Connects with eurorack
-4 audio ins/outs

PolySpaze MkII

4 voice polyphonic/multi-timbral synthesizer/sampler with analog filters, granular effects and sequencer.
-Stereo in and out.


SpazeDrum Blue

Still available as "Blue In Black"!

Analog drum synthesizer with 16 parts / 8 voices (4 analog/4 digital), based on dual SSI2144's.
-Each part can be configured as an analog drum sound or a digital synth/sampler with or without 2 analog filters.
-2 filters and 2 insert effects per part.
-2 output effects.
-Sample wav import (18 minutes/2047 samples).
-Sequencer with 16 note tracks and 64 knob tracks.
-64 random generators, 16 LFO's.
-Stereo out.

-Optional analog outputs option.

Anamono Xmini

Modular synthesizer with memory, exchangable analog filter, sampler, sequencer and granular effects.
-Audio in and out.


24 note polyphonic synthesizer.
-2 parts.
-Resonator oscillators, filters and effects.
-Morphable waveforms sine>tri>saw>squ>feed.
-Noise generator.
-8 filter types.
-8 effect types.
-2 envelopes and 2 lfo's per part.
-SOLID! Made only with high quality parts.

FX deFormer

Granular effects processor with sampler, sequencer and line/guitar input.
-Granular effects derived from Little deFormer 2
-Monophonic sampler
-10 minutes of sampling time
-512 presets

SpazeBoard6 for LD3

Alternative firmware/analog board for LD3.
-6 monophonic parts with 2 oscillators (1 can play back samples), ring modulator, 2 analog filters (HPF+LPF), 1 digital filter, 2 insert effects, 1 VCA, 3 envelopes and 4 random generators.
-2 monophonic parts with 1 oscillator (can play back samples), 1 digital filter, 1 VCA, 3 envelopes and 4 random generators.
-8 parts for controlling external MIDI gear.
-16 global LFO's and 8 global LFO-trigged random generators.
-2 output effect processors.


Eurorack module for The Anamono X series analog FilterBoards. It is easy to replace the filterboard, to get new flavours in your eurorack. You don't need to own an Anamono X /Xmini for this to work in your Eurorack, but you must own a FilterBoard to install in it. These can be ordered below on this site.

If you order any FilterBoard together with a EuroBoard, this will, of course, be installed in EuroBoard before shipping.

Size: 22hp. Current draw: Up to 100mA, depending on filterboard.


4 part duophonic/multi-timbral synthesizer/sampler with analog filters, granular effects and sequencer.
-Stereo in and out.

-Filters and effects in Audio Matrix

Anamono X

Modular synthesizer with memory, 2 exchangable analog filters, sampler, sequencer and granular effects.
-Mono in, stereo out.

PolySpaze Model B

4 voice polyphonic/multi-timbral synthesizer/sampler with analog and digital filters, granular effects and sequencer.
-Stereo in and out.



Music Workstation with sequencer, synthesizers, samplers and granular effects.
-16 track MIDI sequencer with up to 8 audio tracks
-8 Synths/Samplers/percussion oscillators/resonators
-10 effects processors
-2x audio in, 4x audio out
-8 note polyphonic synthesizer / 128 note polyphonic sequencer
-300 minutes of sampling time, max 6.144 samplings

Little deFormer 2

Granular workstation with sampler, synth, effects processor and sequencer

Biggar deForma custom design

Little deFormer 1 Special Edition

Little deFormer 1

The first deFormer prototype

Anamono Synthesizer

-Monophonic analogue feedback synthesizer with build in granulator/delay effects.

-2 oscillators with waveforms morphable from sine to triangle to saw to square to noise and with osc sync.

-2 analogue filters - 1 multimode (lpf, bpf, hpf) and 1 bpf.

-1 digital multimode filter.

-New Gotharman engineered analogue feedback circuit with g-RAY - NEW sound creating possibilities.

-Analogue VCA and overdrive - fully controllable.

-Fully programable and controllable 16-step step granulator - Delay/granulator times up to 1.5 second.

-Ring modulator, that can process both internal sounds and sound coming via the external audio input.

-External audio input lets you process any sound with Anamono's filters, g-RAY feedback circuit, granulator/delay, ringmodulator and analogue overdrive.

-2 envelopes and 2 step-modulators, all having 2 sets of settings, that can be morphed between, using any modulation source.

-2 LFO's with morphable waveforms and key-sync.

-256 preset memory locations.

-All parameters controlable with MIDI NRPN numbers - Many direct with MIDI controller.

deMOON Synthesizer

  • 4-note polyphonic Oscillators with continuously variable waveforms, wave-shape modulation, fm and pwm which works on all waveforms.
  • 4 high quality unique sounding analog-modelled bpf/lpf/hpf/bpf8/add filters.
  • Granulator effect.
  • 5 distortion types.
  • 4 LFO's with continuously variable waveforms, waveshape modulation and rate modulation.
  • 2 envelopes.
  • Filter random generator.
  • Various control sources for every parameter.
  • Note randomizer.
  • 32-step step sequencer which is MIDI-syncable, has one note track, one velocity track and one controller track, has realtime transpose, and a keyboard (arpeggiator) mode, in which, you can gate and transpose the sequence via a connected MIDI-keyboard.
  • Storage of 128 sounds and sequences in eeproms. No need to worry about changing back-up batteries.
  • Direct MIDI-control of most parameters. Writes parameter name and value in display.
  • Boxed small and compact - easily portable.

deMOON first edition


Biggar deMOON prototype

miniProphet Synthesizer

-Completely analogue - no memory!


-Build in MIDI interface that receives note on/off, velocity, pitchbender and modulation wheel data. Filter cutoff can be controlled by mod wheel or velocity.

-2 VCO's with sawtooth, triangle and square waveforms, pwm, sync and FM.

-2 filters, both LPF, one original Pro One filter and one Ensoniq Mirage filter. Has filter FM (Fxm). The outputs of the 2 filters are phase inversed to each other, to make it possible to do BPF effects.

-2 ADSR envelopes.

-2 LFO's

-Analogue feedback.


-Power: 230Vac.


-MIDI in

-Audio out

miniProphet Eurorack

microVothar synthesizer

microGothar Duo synthesizer

microGothar 2 synthesizer

microGothar synthesizer

  • 2 Oscillators with sync, fm, ringmodulator and pwm which works on all their 16 waveforms.
  • 2 high quality unique sounding analog lpf/hpf filters.
  • Overkill distortion.
  • 5 loop envelopes.
  • 2 random generators.
  • Velocity control of filter cutoff and final amp level.
  • 16-step step sequencer which is MIDI-syncable, is able to control 2 selectable parameters, has realtime transpose, and a keyboard (arpeggiator) mode, in which, you start/stop and transpose the sequence via a connected MIDI-keyboard.
  • Storage of 256 sounds and sequences in Microchip 24LC256 eeproms, which is guaranteed to retain data for at least 200 years! No need to worry about changing back-up batteries.
  • MIDI-control of 15 parameters.
  • Boxed small and compact � easily portable.

microGothar synthesizer Black

Space Eagle synthesizer

-2 oscillators with each 16 different waveforms, which are all affected by pwm. Pitchable noise. Oscillator sync, FM and ringmodulator. Portamento.

-4 x 24db lowpass ANALOGUE filters connected in parallel to each other. Each filter can be separately controlled, programmed and modulated. Possibility of inverting the output of 2 of the filters by 180 degrees, to create new strange sound-effects. Front panel controls: Filter 1-4 cutoff, reso, modulation source 1 amount, modulation source 2 amount, filter output levels. The external audio input pictured, was never activated, so it doesn't work.

-Modulation sources: Oscillator 2 can modulate oscillator 1 (FM) and the 4 filters (FxM). Other sources are: modulator1 (a 16 step step-modulator with glides and steps), modulator2 (a 16 step step-modulator with glides and steps), LFO1, LFO2, random generator 1, random generator 2, keyboard, velocity, midi-controller 1-17, 1 ADSR VCA envelope.

-Memory: 256 locations for storing sounds in EEPROM's - No back-up battery needed. All parameters can be edited and stored.

-MIDI data received (on selectable midi-channel): Note-on, Note-off, velocity, pitch-bend, controller 1-17.

Spaze Jupiter synthesizer

Duophonic Roland Jupiter-8 clone, build with original Roland IR3109 filter chips, and with a few extra's:

-Hi-Pass has added resonance, and can be modulated.

-Fully programable overdrive stage has been added to it's output section. This can also be modulated.

-Oscillators has some added Gotharman waveforms (16 in all).


-Key modes: Duo, split, dual, mono.

-2 oscillators with each 16 different waveforms, which are all affected by pwm. Pitchable noise. Oscillator sync, FM and ringmodulator. Portamento.

-One 12 dB hi-pass and one 24 dB low-pass (Original Roland Jupiter-8). Each filter can be separately controlled, programmed and modulated. Hi-pass has added resonance, compared to the original Jupiter-8.

-Original Jupiter-8 VCA stage build with Roland BA662's. It can be modulated and an overdive stage are added to it, which also can be modulated.

-Modulation sources: Oscillator 2 can modulate oscillator 1 (FM) and the filters (FxM). Other sources are: modulator1 (a 16 step step-modulator with glides and steps), LFO1, random generator, keyboard, velocity, midi-controller 1-17, 1 ADSR VCA envelope.

-Memory: 512 locations for storing sounds in EEPROM's - No back-up battery needed. All parameters can be edited and stored.

-MIDI data received (on selectable midi-channel): Note-on, Note-off, velocity, pitch-bend, controller 1-17.

Gothar X modular synthesizer

Gothar V synthesizer

Gothar III synthesizer

Gothar II synthesizer

Evil Dwarf synthesizer

Gothar I and Moog The Rogue clone synthesizers

UltraCyclus Sequencer

Cyclus 3 Sequencer

Cyclus 1 Sequencer

USB box for Little deFormer 1 and 2

aNamoNo box for Little deFormer 1 and 2

Tube box for Little deFormer 1 and 2

SP box for Little deFormer 1 and 2

AnaX for Little deFormer 1 and 2

AnaX Banana for Little deFormer 1 and 2

Multi Expansion box for Little deFormer 2

Output Expansion box for Little deFormer 2

Make Noise Phonogene

Gotharman designed the firmware for the first version of the Make Noise Phonogene.

Tubaz eurorack

Windy eurorack

CS Filter eurorack

Pitch Shaper eurorack

Synthacon Filter eurorack -Custom design

Note Randomizer MkII

Note Randomizer MkI

Filter box custom design

Filter box custom design


Custom designed keyboards for danish rock band Carpark North

SEM Modular

Custom designed modular case for 2 Oberheim SEM modules