Gotharman working on the microGothar firmware so many, many years ago...
4 voice polyphonic/multi-timbral synthesizer/sampler with analog filters, granular effects and sequencer.
-Stereo in and out.
Analog drum synthesizer with 16 parts / 8 voices (4 analog/4 digital), based on dual SSI2144's.
-Each part can be configured as an analog drum sound or a digital synth/sampler with or without 2 analog filters.
-2 filters and 2 insert effects per part.
-2 output effects.
-Sample wav import (18 minutes/2047 samples).
-Sequencer with 16 note tracks and 64 knob tracks.
-64 random generators, 16 LFO's.
-Stereo out.
-Optional analog outputs option.
Modular synthesizer with memory, exchangable analog filter, sampler, sequencer and granular effects.
-Audio in and out.
Granular effects processor with sampler, sequencer and line/guitar input.
-Granular effects derived from Little deFormer 2
-Monophonic sampler
-10 minutes of sampling time
-512 presets
Alternative firmware/analog board for LD3.
-6 monophonic parts with 2 oscillators (1 can play back samples), ring modulator, 2 analog filters (HPF+LPF), 1 digital filter, 2 insert effects, 1 VCA, 3 envelopes and 4 random generators.
-2 monophonic parts with 1 oscillator (can play back samples), 1 digital filter, 1 VCA, 3 envelopes and 4 random generators.
-8 parts for controlling external MIDI gear.
-16 global LFO's and 8 global LFO-trigged random generators.
-2 output effect processors.
Eurorack module for The Anamono X series analog FilterBoards. It is easy to replace the filterboard, to get new flavours in your eurorack. You don't need to own an Anamono X /Xmini for this to work in your Eurorack, but you must own a FilterBoard to install in it. These can be ordered below on this site.
If you order any FilterBoard together with a EuroBoard, this will, of course, be installed in EuroBoard before shipping.
Size: 22hp. Current draw: Up to 100mA, depending on filterboard.
Modular synthesizer with memory, 2 exchangable analog filters, sampler, sequencer and granular effects.
-Mono in, stereo out.
4 voice polyphonic/multi-timbral synthesizer/sampler with analog and digital filters, granular effects and sequencer.
-Stereo in and out.
Music Workstation with sequencer, synthesizers, samplers and granular effects.
-16 track MIDI sequencer with up to 8 audio tracks
-8 Synths/Samplers/percussion oscillators/resonators
-10 effects processors
-2x audio in, 4x audio out
-8 note polyphonic synthesizer / 128 note polyphonic sequencer
-300 minutes of sampling time, max 6.144 samplings
-Monophonic analogue feedback synthesizer with build in granulator/delay effects.
-2 oscillators with waveforms morphable from sine to triangle to saw to square to noise and with osc sync.
-2 analogue filters - 1 multimode (lpf, bpf, hpf) and 1 bpf.
-1 digital multimode filter.
-New Gotharman engineered analogue feedback circuit with g-RAY - NEW sound creating possibilities.
-Analogue VCA and overdrive - fully controllable.
-Fully programable and controllable 16-step step granulator - Delay/granulator times up to 1.5 second.
-Ring modulator, that can process both internal sounds and sound coming via the external audio input.
-External audio input lets you process any sound with Anamono's filters, g-RAY feedback circuit, granulator/delay, ringmodulator and analogue overdrive.
-2 envelopes and 2 step-modulators, all having 2 sets of settings, that can be morphed between, using any modulation source.
-2 LFO's with morphable waveforms and key-sync.
-256 preset memory locations.
-All parameters controlable with MIDI NRPN numbers - Many direct with MIDI controller.
-Completely analogue - no memory!
-Build in MIDI interface that receives note on/off, velocity, pitchbender and modulation wheel data. Filter cutoff can be controlled by mod wheel or velocity.
-2 VCO's with sawtooth, triangle and square waveforms, pwm, sync and FM.
-2 filters, both LPF, one original Pro One filter and one Ensoniq Mirage filter. Has filter FM (Fxm). The outputs of the 2 filters are phase inversed to each other, to make it possible to do BPF effects.
-2 ADSR envelopes.
-2 LFO's
-Analogue feedback.
-Power: 230Vac.
-MIDI in
-Audio out
-2 oscillators with each 16 different waveforms, which are all affected by pwm. Pitchable noise. Oscillator sync, FM and ringmodulator. Portamento.
-4 x 24db lowpass ANALOGUE filters connected in parallel to each other. Each filter can be separately controlled, programmed and modulated. Possibility of inverting the output of 2 of the filters by 180 degrees, to create new strange sound-effects. Front panel controls: Filter 1-4 cutoff, reso, modulation source 1 amount, modulation source 2 amount, filter output levels. The external audio input pictured, was never activated, so it doesn't work.
-Modulation sources: Oscillator 2 can modulate oscillator 1 (FM) and the 4 filters (FxM). Other sources are: modulator1 (a 16 step step-modulator with glides and steps), modulator2 (a 16 step step-modulator with glides and steps), LFO1, LFO2, random generator 1, random generator 2, keyboard, velocity, midi-controller 1-17, 1 ADSR VCA envelope.
-Memory: 256 locations for storing sounds in EEPROM's - No back-up battery needed. All parameters can be edited and stored.
-MIDI data received (on selectable midi-channel): Note-on, Note-off, velocity, pitch-bend, controller 1-17.
Duophonic Roland Jupiter-8 clone, build with original Roland IR3109 filter chips, and with a few extra's:
-Hi-Pass has added resonance, and can be modulated.
-Fully programable overdrive stage has been added to it's output section. This can also be modulated.
-Oscillators has some added Gotharman waveforms (16 in all).
-Key modes: Duo, split, dual, mono.
-2 oscillators with each 16 different waveforms, which are all affected by pwm. Pitchable noise. Oscillator sync, FM and ringmodulator. Portamento.
-One 12 dB hi-pass and one 24 dB low-pass (Original Roland Jupiter-8). Each filter can be separately controlled, programmed and modulated. Hi-pass has added resonance, compared to the original Jupiter-8.
-Original Jupiter-8 VCA stage build with Roland BA662's. It can be modulated and an overdive stage are added to it, which also can be modulated.
-Modulation sources: Oscillator 2 can modulate oscillator 1 (FM) and the filters (FxM). Other sources are: modulator1 (a 16 step step-modulator with glides and steps), LFO1, random generator, keyboard, velocity, midi-controller 1-17, 1 ADSR VCA envelope.
-Memory: 512 locations for storing sounds in EEPROM's - No back-up battery needed. All parameters can be edited and stored.
-MIDI data received (on selectable midi-channel): Note-on, Note-off, velocity, pitch-bend, controller 1-17.