

-4 channels.

-Each channel has one main function and one utility function.

-Any function can be selected for any channel.

-Each of the four Main functions can be: Oscillator/Sampler/LFO, Dual Filter, Effects Processor, CV controlled Mixer.

-Each of the four Utility functions can be: Touch screen keyboard, Sequencer, Draw Wave Modulator.

-CV recording is possible into the Draw Wave Modulators. These can also be reset by a gate, and has a one-time mode.

-Four 24 bit audio/trigger/clock inputs.

-Four 16 bit high precision CV/gate/clock inputs.

-Four 16 bit audio/CV/gate/clock outputs.

-Two 12 bit audio/CV/gate/clock outputs *1.

-Two gate/clock/Squarewave outputs.

-8 LEDs to show the actvity of the 8 outputs.

-MIDI in and out for clock, notes, CC’s and updates.

-Two push buttons for sequencer start/stop, parameter selection, Channel select, and for entering and exiting the Menu page.

-Four analog high quality metal potentiometers for editing parameters.

-4.3” multi-touch, color, touch display.

-Very few pages, for fast navigation: One main page, one menu page and one preset page.

-1024 presets can be stored and instantly recalled.

-Size: 32 hp

-Depth: 18 mm, 28 mm including the power connector.

-Current draw: +12v: 130 mA, -12v: 35 mA.

General structure:

-All channels can be connected both internally and externally (via mini-jacks).

-All modulation inputs runs in audio range.

*1: Output 8 is a shared gate and MIDI output.


Recording and play back of samplings!

-Pitch, start point, sample select and release time can be modulated.

-It has 1v/oct and trigger inputs.

-An Xfade fuction can remove the clicks that might appear, when re-triggering samplings.

-Samplings are kept in its FLASH memory, even after powering off.

-Samplings are recorded at 16 bit, 44.1 KHz.

-As standard, Touch Tuul has 60 MB of sample memory, which translates to 11 minutes of mono sampling, but this can be expanded to 124 MB/24 minutes. It can hold a maximum of 2048 samplings.

A note regarding sample transfers:

-Currently it can only sample, and play these samplings back. It does though hold the samplings in its FLASH memory, when powering off.

-Samplings can be backed up and restored via MIDI.

-It will be possible to transfer samplings between zaTurn and Touch TuuL.

-It might be possible to transfer samplings between LD3/Tiny LD and TouchTuuL, and I might even design a tiny eurorack module with an SD card for this, but if I will spend my time designing these options, solely depends on how many Touch TuuLs I sell.


-Wave (morph from sine to triangle to saw to square to feed waves), FOF and Cymbal types.

-Pitch, Shape, PW and Fold can be set and modulated.

-1V/Oct input.

-Glide (Portamento).

-Low frequency LFO modes.


-2 x BPF, LPF and HPF in parallel, HPF into LPF types.

-Sharp filter modes.

-Cutoff 1, Cutoff 2 and Resonance can be set and modulated (two sources for each cutoff).



-Distortion (Valve, Sine, Fuzz, Xdis, Asum, Curve)

-Bit Crusher


-Saw Animator

-Reso EQ

-Comb filter

-Compressor (with side chain)


-SamplePitch2 (only channel 3 and 4)

-PitchShaper (only channel 3 and 4)

-PitchShaper2 (only channel 3 and 4)

-Pitch Shifter (only channel 3 and 4)

-Stretcher (only channel 3 and 4)

-Mod Delay (only channel 3 and 4)


-Different parameters can be set and modulated for each effect.


-4 inputs. Levels can be modulated.

-1 output.

Draw wave modulators:

-Draw modulation shapes with you fingers, or record from the inputs.

-Start step and length (up to 64 steps) can be set and modulated.

-Rate and playback curve can be set and modulated.

-Can be reset via a pulse/gate.

-Sends out a pulse, when reset.

-One-time mode is available.

Step Sequencer:

-Up to 16 steps.

-BPM, last step, resolution and note spread can be set and modulated.

-Syncs to analog signals (one step per pulse) and MIDI.

-Send sync clocks as analog signals (one step per pulse) and MIDI.

-Steps can be edited both via touch and via knobs.

Touch Screen Keyboard:

-1, 2 or 3 octaves.