-New oscillator types: Smooth oscillators and Resonator oscillators for oscillator1, Type2 for oscillator 2.
-Resonator Type 2 added to Resonator Insert effects.
-The analog filters can now be arranged as one big filterbank.
-It is now possible to copy/paste a selected number of steps from any location, to any location of a sequencer track.
-Output Effects gain can now be adjusted.
-Alphanumeric touch keyboard has been added, for more convenient naming of presets, songs and samplings.
-Importing of Cue Points (Markers) as Chop Points has been optimized, to cover cue points generated on a wider range of programs.
-An “Esc” touch button has been added to the Auto Sample Rec “Waiting For Trigger…” page.
Bug fixes:
-Sometimes, when doing a chopped audio track recording, clicks would appear on the first 5-6 steps of the recording. This has now been fixed.
-In some cases, at some specific sample lengths, adjusting the start point of the last sampling in a sample bank, would cause LD3/Tiny LD to freeze. This has now been fixed.
-It is now possible to select, if parameter CC control, from both MIDI in and the sequencer controller tracks, should affect only the selected Morph layer, or both Morph layers at the same time.
-Size parameter has been added to the PitchShifter effect.
-A * is now shown in the preset name, if the preset parameters has been tweaked, and the preset has not yet been saved.
-It is now possible to copy a single Insert Effect, so it is possible to copy Ins EFX1 to Ins EFX2, for instance. In earlier versions, it would copy the whole part, when copying an insert effect.
-A compare preset function has been added.
-When on a sequencer controller track, it is now possible to select all 8 bars, using the button shortcuts.
-When pushing the sequencer bar select shortcut buttons multiple times, the function of the Edit Knobs will now toggle.
-Many parameters can now be hard-assigned to MIDI CC’s. These parameters can also be controlled directly from the sequencer controller tracks, and movements of these can be recorded on the controller tracks.
-CV inputs can now be recorded on the sequencer controller tracks.
-Smooth parameter added to the CV inputs.
-The sequencer controller tracks are now selected separately from the parts.
The first Spazeboard6 firmware version.
This version will run on an LD3, without the Spazeboard6 hardware installed, but any analog functionality will be locked, in order to protect the un-modified LD3 hardware.
You will need to turn up the level of the digital filters (DGF) on part 1 to 6, in order to get any sound, when the analog Spazeboard6 is not installed.
You will receive an un-locked version by email, after your purchase.